Proud Father | How I saw that Day!

I am writing in regards to my son’s recent presentation that detailed the progress he has made over the years. My son Adam Blank, now eighteen years old, has albinism and receives support services from the Intermediate Unit. The Intermediate Unit in Pennsylvania is a publicly funded support unit that provides additional services to students with special needs within a public school district. Intermediate units serve a given geographical area’s educational needs and function as a step of organization above that of a public school district and below that of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Out of the 1600 students that the Intermediate Unit services, Adam,  was selected for recognition and was chosen to be the student presenter at the Intermediate Unit convention.  In front of a crowd of nearly 200 school board members, district superintendents, and Intermediate Unit employees, Adam detailed his experience with and the successes he has enjoyed as a result of the Intermediate Unit. The presentation was poignant and lighthearted as Adam explained to the audience what services he has received in the past fifteen years and how these services as well as the people who provided them have positively impacted his life. Audience members were touched as they saw first-hand how important the Intermediate Unit is to the students it services. During his twenty minute presentation, all four hundred eyes in the room were on Adam as he made audience members laugh and cry alike.

At the conclusion of the presentation, it was obvious that Adam had inspired and gained the respect of the convention attendees. Many of the Intermediate Unit members took an opportunity at the convention conclusion to thank him personally and congratulate him on his memorable presentation.  My family and I are proud of Adam everyday for the strides he has made and the obstacles he has overcome throughout the years.  This night was an opportunity to celebrate the successes he has achieved. We are confident that Adam will become a valued member of the community and we look forward to hearing him speak to the Intermediate Unit again in August!

Adam is a Junior at Peters Township School District in McMurray, Pennsylvania


Ken Blank

Proud Father